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Men are average 2 years older than women when blind dating, analyzed 168,920 blind dated couples

by Hits : 0 | 2024.04.30

The average age difference in men and women when blind dating is 1.978 year!

Dating style is different in the East and West.
In the West, attractions like appearance and style are important factors in dating. So, people follow their instinct in dating.

There are many ways for men and women to date.
You get to know a little better about the person if you meet through people around you or it is more innate if you meet someone at school.

Casual dates often end up with problems, and this explains the limit of the dates based on their instinct.

In contrast, arranged date culture is developed in the East, especially in Korea.
Since it is not possible to arrange a date knowing their appearance only, age, career, education, and family background information are considered prior to the arrangement.

If so, what is the age difference in men and women meeting through blind dates?

Global Matchmaking Platform has analyzed the age difference between women and men in 168,920 couples over 20 years.
In result, men are average 1.978 older than women.


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